Today I'm breaking from the topic of children's toys to talk about something I consider to be very important - feeding the poverty-stricken children of the world.
There is something that I would like to make more people aware of, that is the World Food Programme Feedbag.
Here's what it's all about: Lauren Bush (daughter of Neil Bush, niece of the US President, George Bush) has teamed up with the UN World Food Programme and Amazon.com to create a great idea - it's a brown burlap and white canvas (reversible) shoulder bag with pockets on the white side - very sturdy and very useful.
What happens when someone buys one of these bags? One child in poverty is fed in their school for an entire year!
The cost of the bag is about $60, and with each purchase $20 is donated to this fund. It's available exclusively @ Amazon.com
There are more details about this program, and I've created an entire web page on this subject. 20% of the proceeds from that page go to the "Action Against Hunger" fund - thereby donating even more to the cause of child hunger in the world. You can view that page here:
Visit the World Food Programme Feedbag Page
Note: This post is being made the day before Christmas Eve - I would like to wish everyone a warm and merry Christmas!