Boy, it's been a long time since I posted about Webkinz - especially the retired ones.
There have been several retired Webkinz since the last time I posted about them, here are they are:
- Webkinz Gorilla (Special Item: Great Gorilla Hanging Chair, Special Food: Crunchy Shoots N' Roots)
- Webkinz Horse (Special Item: Racetrack Treadmill, Special Food: Sweet Clover Cake)
- Webkinz Raccoon (Special Item: Curbside Cuisine Fridge, Special Food: Rascal's Ratatouille)
- Yellow Lab (Special Item: Lap It Up Pool, Special Food: Sunshine Feast)
- Love Frog - Seasonal (Special Item: Love Pond, Special Food: Candied Rose Petals)
I've noticed that the retired Webkinz are becoming less expensive. Why? Good question. There are now almost 20 of them that have been retired, so perhaps the demand for each one is less, thus bringing the price down. Heck, even Cheeky Dog is a couple of hundred dollars less than it used to be!! (I've seen the price on him over $1000.00 in the past, more recently around $800.00.)
If you would like to see the entire list of Retired Webkinz, along with info on each and where to buy them - Visit my Retired Webkinz Page on Squidoo!
Happy Retired Webkinz-ing!! :-D