Here are the top favorites in the lineup of Optimus Prime toys from the "Animated" collection...
Roll-Out Command Optimus Prime - This is the one shown on the left - it converts from Earth Truck (in vehicle mode) to robot mode, where he has probably one the coolest axes ever made that even has fire blasting out of it in the back. =) It has "punching" action too - making it just that much more appealing to fans.
It has a retail price of around $50, at this writing it can be purchased for about $35 at Toys
Voyager Earth Mode Optimus Prime - OK, now this toy is toooo coooool. =) It also converts from Earth Truck to robot mode, and it has some of the best consumer reviews I've ever seen for Transformers toys - excellent choice for a little Optimus Prime fan.
This Transformers Animated Optimus Prime Toy retails for around $30 - looks like the best price will be on eBay auctions. (At least at this writing.)
Transformers Animated Optimus Prime Battle Blasters - This toy converts from a hefty 8-wheeled truck to robot mode - it also has excellent reviews for it's "fun factor" as well as it's ability to hold up well under some pretty heavy play. =)
Retail price for the Battle Blasters is around $40 - it can be found at Amazon Toys
Now - there are several more Transformers Animated Optimus Prime toys to choose from - the above are currently the most popular.
If you would like to see more selection and more information, there are a couple of resources you should check out:
- Transformers Animated Optimus Prime Page on the Animated Transformers Toys website
- Transformers Animated Optimus Prime - shopping on Squidoo
All for today -
Tonya B.
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