Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Ultimate 3 Toys for 6-Year Old Boys (January 2015)

2014-2015's 3 "Best Of" Toys for Boys Age 6 

Over the last few years, I have seen hundreds – maybe thousands – of toys that have both grown and faded in popularity. Which means I have seen what it takes for a toy to be considered popular and all-the-rage for longer, turning from newbie to instant classic in the span of a couple of months.

What really makes or breaks these new toy selections is the holiday season, which equals a new round of exciting, awesome toys for kiddos to enjoy.

With Christmas recently passed and early into 2015, I have hand-picked 3 of what I think are and will be the best toys for 6 year old boys this year. They range in topic and type, but each one features some sort of educational value and tons of intense, awesome entertainment for a rewarding playtime.

The 3 lucky toys this year are –


Zoomer Dino – Boomer

No denying it – Boomer is one badass T-Rex with the usual strong, powerful jaws and legs…and itty-bitty arms. Rexes may very well be the joke of Mother Nature for the Prehistoric age, but his carnivorous, destructive habits are legendary.

However, their likeness, Boomer – this Zoomer Dino – is lightweight, technologically high-grade, and awesome in his endeavors for friends. He has a way of bonding that makes him instantly likeable to your kiddo, and his movements are remote-controlled, as he has wheels where his feet would be.


Kindle Fire HD Kids’ Tablet

When Amazon arrived with their Kindle Fire – I was one of the first in line with eagerness in my eyes and excitement in my heart.

These tablets are simply amazing – and now they have the Kids’ Edition, which means I am practically bursting with delight!

These tablets are slightly different than the adult versions, as they feature kid-friendly Internet access, parental controls, and over 5000 movies, books, and games available for download – each one educational and conducive to both a healthy imagination and love for learning.


Transformers Age of Extinction Stomp and Chomp Grimlock

My faux paus for Transformers is constantly referring to the Age of Extinction as the Age of Dinosaurs. Whoops! But that is exactly what I and hundreds of others remember from the latest and greatest Transformers film.

Grimlock is an action-figure that completely validates my name mistake, as he is a towering Tyrannosaurus Rex known for his stomp, chomp, and roar questions later attitude.

This particular Grimlock is ridden by a mighty Optimus Prime, and he transforms from dinosaur to noble, massive warrior in seconds.


I will be keeping my eye on the ball for future release toys for boys age 6 (and other ages too).  Stay tuned for future listings!  =)

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