Friday, July 5, 2013

Classic Toys For Budget Buyers

There are thousands of new toys on the market each year, and children flock to get the latest and greatest, trendy items. However, these new creations are also probably the most expensive. Some parents have developed the notion that their children can't be happy with anything inexpensive. Well, put that concept aside, because there are classic bobbles for budget buyers that can and will keep kids entertained.

In my opinion, the best toys under $20 are:


Gazillion Bubble Machine

This little gadget is so much fun, especially in the summer. The toy is equipped with multiple, revolving wands that can produce over 500 bubbles a minute. Children will have a blast running and jumping through the flying suds! All that is required is a pack of 6 AA batteries, as the first round of bubbles is available in a few ounces of bubbly solution. How does it work? Well, the container of bubbles is flipped upside down, into the designated holder. Then, a switch is flipped to start the wands. Voila! The air is filled with hundreds of bubbles!

Recommended shopping:  @ Amazon Toys


Creativity for Kids Fashion Headbands

Little girls will glow over this gadget! It's a creative little craft set for cool kids who enjoy fashionable accessories. Each kit allows the designer to make 10 headbands with satin, flowers, feathers, ribbons, and dozens of different add-ons. They're abundant with rainbow colors, so each design can be fashioned to fit any outfit. Additionally, these headbands are durable, meaning they won't crumble on the first wear.

Recommended shopping:  @ Amazon Toys


Lamaze Cloth Book

For future readers, these cloth books are cute, small, and amusing to children 6 months and up. The pages crinkle and rattle with sound, while the story is colorfully illustrated and lesson-teaching. Peek-a-boo flaps add an extra oomph of excitement as kids uncover secrets with interactive reading.

Recommended shopping:  @ Amazon Toys

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